It was with great emotion that in 2018 I celebrated the first anniversary of Ozalys, a project born out of resilience serving women affected by the disease.
It was at the heart of my battle against cancer, unable to find products adapted to my particular needs (my ultra-sensitive olfactory, sensitive dry skin and painful scars…), that I wanted, perhaps even needed, to create an innovative and ambitious range of effective products that can bring comfort and solace, safely.
My obsession from the beginning of this real adventure is that women, despite the constraints of the disease and the adverse effects of treatments, can truly benefit from adapted products, with the quality and performance expected from luxury brands, right down to the last detail.
Supported by my two daughters and by the internal teams of CCI productions, I had the energy; I will say even the madness to embark on this project. It has taken three years of research and innovation for Ozalys to see the light of day and to offer a complete range (which will be expanding soon) of dermo-cosmetic products that meet the needs of women who are vulnerable to anticancer treatments.
Today, 7 million women are in treatment worldwide for breast cancer. 85% of them are invasive and 80% hormonal-dependent. That is why, above and beyond the products banned by the European cosmetics regulations, it seemed essential to me to include in our formulation charter the criterion of hormone-dependence found in gynecological cancers. This decision to exclude hormone-like ingredients to allow those of us affected by hormone-dependent cancer to be able to use Ozalys products with total confidence, means “for all women” without exception (and not to mention men).
To do this, the research teams worked on cosmetic and natural ingredients mimicking the action of hormones to exclude them from our formulations, and carefully chose the most selective and truly beneficial raw materials on the market.
I will always remember the nurse who informed me that I was no longer allowed to use deodorant during my radiotherapy and to whom I retorted that with the sweating due to the chemotherapy I could never even consider it. She offered me, in her opinion, the perfect alternative: a natural alum stone… She did not even know, like so many others, that it contains aluminum.
The perseverance, the rigor and the commitment of all my collaborators have made it possible for me to offer you products designed first and foremost for you, efficient, innovative and devoid of potentially unsuitable ingredients and substances, this I hope, will bring you a source of positive emotions and comfort.
It is with great pride that I received the Parents Magazine Award last May, in the category of Women’s Beauty for our Precious Care.
In a few days, I will have the pleasure and the honor in receiving the prize: Prix Santé Magazine, (French health magazine) because our Precious Care has won the “Coup de Coeur” prize for 2019.
This is a most prestigious award that is only awarded to only the safest, most innovative and beneficial products for even the most fragile skin.
What a journey it has been since the diagnosis of my cancer in 2013. Ozalys has helped me to give meaning to things that had none before and to overcome the feelings of injustice that haunted my sleepless nights.
The year 2018 was full of beautiful encounters as well as memorable and precious moments shared with you.
For 2019, I will bring you surprises, which I hope will bring you even more softness and comfort.